Seattle u logo on a red background.

Mo-Kyung Sin, PhD, RN, FGSA, FAAN

Dr. Lester and Mary Ann Sauvage Endowed 教授ship
Fellow, Gerontological Society of America


Areas of Interest

Cardiovascular health promotion, adults/older adults, physical activity/exercise, biophysical measures, Korean immigrants, cancer prevention, cardiovascular disease comorbidities, and Alzheimers' dementia


  • NIH/NIA, R03 - Mo-Kyung Sin, PI ($264,252), 4/1/2022-3/31/2024 
    “Blood pressure, Amyloid β and tau, 和脑淀粉样血管病:阿尔茨海默氏痴呆症管理的途径"
  • NIH/NIA, R03 - Mo-Kyung Sin, PI ($287,982), 9/1/2021-5/31/2023          

Scholarly Presentations

3/2017“了解韩裔美国人对胃癌风险的认知”亚太裔护士协会, University of Hawaii, 马诺, HW.

11/2016影响韩裔美国男性继续吸烟和戒烟决定的因素,美国老年学学会, 新奥尔良, LA. 

4/2016“韩裔美国人胃癌筛查的促进因素和障碍”西部护理研究所, 阿纳海姆, CA. 

4/2016“韩国移民男性肺癌筛查的社会文化障碍”.” Western Institute of Nursing, 阿纳海姆, CA.

6/2015 Symposium: “Asian Women’s 健康 in the U.S.” International Council of Nursing, Seoul, Korea.

4/2015海报展示:“老年人心脏病管理:加州一项基于人群的研究”." Western Institute of Nursing, Albuquerque, NM.

4/12/14海报展示“加州五个亚裔美国人亚群的心血管风险”.” Western Institute of Nursing, Seattle, WA.

6/25/13论文报告:“随机对照试验步行项目对步行行为的影响”, 压力, 老年韩国移民的抑郁症状和心血管生物标志物.第20届IAGG世界老年学和老年病学大会,首尔,韩国. 

4/12/2013海报展示:“影响社区诊所大肠癌项目实施的因素”.” Western Institute of Nursing, 阿纳海姆, CA.

11/14/12海报展示:“韩国老年人的医疗保健利用和高血压管理。.” Gerontological Society of America, San Diego, CA.

2012年4月19日论文报告:“个人特征预测西班牙裔心力衰竭患者抑郁。.” Western Institute of Nursing, Portland, OR. 

11/20/11论文报告:“积累的不利感受:韩国移民妇女的压力和应对的定性分析。.” Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA.

2011年2月12日论文报告:“韩裔美国移民对抑郁症的看法”.” 14th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars, Seoul, Korea.

11/21/2010海报展示:“韩裔美国移民对抑郁症的看法。.” Gerontological Society of America, 新奥尔良, LA.

5/7/2010 Paper presentation: “Perceived health, life satisfaction, 老年韩国移民和老年韩国人的心血管危险因素.” Hope Heart Fellow Scholar Presentation, Seattle University, WA.





  • N301 Foundation of Professional Nursing (Lab)
  • N303 健康 Assessment (Lab)
  • N335 Nursing Care of Older Adults - Clinical
  • N360 Nursing Research Methods
  • N4791 Senior Practicum
  • N504 Concepts and Theories for Advanced Practice Nursing
  • N514 Critical Inquiry I
  • N6703 DNP Seminar


Referred 出版物

罪,米.K., & Bliquez R. (新闻). 护理本科生循证实践教学. Journal of Professional Nursing.

罪,米.K. (2017). Lung cancer disparities and African Americans. Public 健康 Nursing. (Epub ahead of print) PMID: 28485475

安藤E., & 罪,米.K. (2017). 腰围测量对亚裔美国人II型糖尿病筛查的帮助. Perspectives in Public 健康, 137(1), 36-37. PMID: 28074685

罪,米.K.,叶,M.P.木村,A., & 你的.P. (2017). 越南裔美国人实施结直肠癌筛查干预的促进因素和阻碍因素. Cancer Nursing. PMID: 26846627 

罪,米.K., & 金,我.H. (2017). 韩裔美国人胃癌筛查的促进因素和障碍. Cancer Nursing, 40(4), E59-E65. PMID: 27636129 

胫骨,C., 罪,米.K.李,E.李,J., an, k., & Sim J. (2016). Depression and anxiety one month after stroke. Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal, 1(3), 82-90.

罪,米.K.哈,A.R., & 泰勒,V. (2016). 韩裔男性肺癌筛查的社会文化障碍. Journal of Community 健康, 41(4), 790-797. PMID: 26846627

罪,米.K.泰勒,V., & 你的.P. (2016) Issues on lung cancer screening among Asian Americans. Journal of Immigrant and Minority 健康. 1(3). PMID: 26048357 

罪,米.K. (2015). 亚裔美国人的心血管健康概况:与概况相关的社会文化因素和文化定制干预措施的文献综述. Journal of Cardiovascular Disease. 3(6), 413-418.

罪,米.K.伊巴拉,B., T, T., & 墨菲,P.J.M. (2015) Effect of a RCT walking program on walking behavior, 压力, 老年韩国移民的抑郁症状和心血管生物标志物. Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science, 17(2), 89-96.

罪,米.K. (2015). 韩国移民女性中老年期压力与应对的定性分析. Issues in Mental 健康 Nursing. 36(1), 52-9. PMID: 25517124

琼斯,我.G., 罪,米.K.海格,E.海尔贝克,R.E.摩根,C.J.Zile, M.R.奥尔曼,R.M. (2015). 晚期慢性收缩期心力衰竭患者在退伍军人事务部接受治疗的特点和结果. other hospitals: Insights from the BEST trial. Circulation: Heart Failure. 8(1),17-24. PMID: 25480782

李,我.C.,郭,H.T., 罪,米.K., & 刘,C.T. (2015). 台湾社区长者用药:传统与补充及替代药物之比较. Journal of Community 健康. 40(2), 301-7. PMID: 25120230

泰勒,V., Ko, L.黄,J.H., 罪,米.K., & Inadomi J. (2014). 亚裔美国人的胃癌——一个被忽视的健康差异. The Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention.15(24),10565-71. PMID: 25605140

木村,., 罪,米.K.斯皮格纳,C.Tran, A., & 你的.P. (2014). 越南裔美国人结直肠癌筛查的障碍和促进因素:定性分析. Journal of Cancer Education, 29(4), 728-34. PMID: 24756545

罪,米.K. (2013). 与文化相关的健康风险:胃癌和亚裔美国人. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 9(10), 706-7.

罪,米.K. & 赫希,. (2013). 老年韩裔移民医疗保健利用及高血压管理概况. Journal of Immigrant and Minority 健康, 15(6), 1090-5. PMID: 23054538

罪,米.K. (2013). 多元文化教师的声音,促进他们在学术界取得成功的策略. Journal of Professional Nursing, 29, 282-6. PMID: 24075261

罪,米.K. (2012). 西班牙裔心力衰竭患者抑郁症状的个人特征预测. Issues in Mental 健康 Nursing, 33, 522-27. PMID: 22849779

罪,米.K. (2012). 促进学术界多元文化教师的成功转型. Nurse Educator, 37(4), 141-2. PMID: 22688867

哦,H.J., 罪,米.K.谢普,K.G., Choi-Kwon, S., & 李,K.W. (2012). 韩国肌萎缩侧索硬化症患者的抑郁和功能状态:一项问卷调查. Rehabilitation Nursing, 37(3), 136-144. PMID: 22549631

Fitzpatrick, A.F.斯坦曼,L.E., 你的.基特,A.L., Thanh, G.N., & 罪,米.K. (2012). 利用Photovoice了解亚洲老年人的心血管健康意识 健康 Promotion Practice, 13(1), 48-54. PMID: 21057047

罪,米.K.约旦,P., & 公园,年代.H. (2011). Perceptions of depression in Korean American immigrants. Issues in Mental 健康 Nursing, 32, 177-83. PMID: 21341952

罪,米.K.Choe, M.A.Kim, J.I, 墨菲,P.蔡,Y.R., & 全,M.Y. (2011). Perceived health, life satisfaction, 老年韩国移民和老年韩国人的心血管健康状况. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 37(3):43-52. PMID: 21053808

吨,T.斯坦曼,L.叶,N.P., li, K.A., 罪,米.K., Fitzpatrick, A.L., & 你的.P. (2011). 亚洲移民对心血管健康的认识和认知. Journal of Immigrant and Minority 健康, 13(1), 127-39. PMID: 20306224

罪,米.K., Fitzpatrick, A.F., & 李,K. 几代韩国移民的心血管健康观念. (2010) 家庭 & Community 健康, 33(4), 254-261. PMID: 20736753

罪,米.K.Choe, M.A.Kim, J.I蔡,Y.R., & 全,M.Y. (2010)老年韩国移民与老年韩国人抑郁的跨文化比较. Research in Gerontological Nursing, 3, 1-8. PMID: 20143752

Fitzpatrick, A.F.斯坦曼,L.E., 你的.基特,A.L., Thanh, G.N., & 罪,米.K. (2009). 用图片交流:使用Photovoice来描绘亚洲移民对心血管健康的看法. American Journal of Public 健康, 99, 2147-9. PMID: 19903905

罪,米.K.Choe, M.A.Kim, J.I蔡,Y.R.全,M.Y., & Vezeau T. (2009) Cross-cultural comparison of biophysical index, functional capacity, 老年韩国移民和老年韩国人之间体力活动的关系. Research in Gerontological Nursing, 2(1), 20-29. PMID: 20077990

罪,米.K.Kang, D.H., & 韦弗,M.T. (2005). Relationships of asthma knowledge, self-management, and social support in African American adolescents with asthma. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 42, 307-313. PMID: 15708017

罪,米.K.Belza, B.J., & 坎宁安,年代. (2005). 针对老年韩裔美国人设计的运动项目的评价. Public 健康 Nursing, 22, 407-13. PMID: 16229733

罪,米.K.J.Belza, B., & 坎宁安,年代. (2004). 影响老年韩裔美国人运动参与和生活质量的因素. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 11(4), 139-145. PMID: 15786798

罪,米.K., Sanderson, B.韦弗,M。.吉格尔,J., Pemberton, J., & 克莱泡J. (2004). Personal characteristics, 健康状况, physical activity, and quality of life in cardiac rehabilitation participants. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 41, 173-81. PMID: 14725781


墨菲,P.J.M.艾伦,我.R., & 罪,米.K. (2011). Methodological issues in immigrant health research. 在年代. 全心全意地 & M. Sajatovic (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Immigrant 健康 (1st ed.). New York, NY: Springer.